Technical support > Linux
ufoai-2.2.1 on stock Slackware 12.2, problems when compiling from svn source
you're welcome.
Check if pk3 files are copied to that dir, if not do that manually. (Ignore the message.)
After that you should be able to run the game (ufo).
One more thing I've experienced: languages. You can only select languages which are supported by your system.
For me on Debian Etch to select English I had to put en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 to /etc/locale.gen (which wasn't there before) and run a locale-gen
Hi.. while trying to work out the make problems I'm having and autotools. I find this..
--- Code: ---#From ufoai/
# Target to install only the executables, language files and the run script.
# Other game data has to be installed from the ufoai-VERSION-data.tar archive.
# For destination directories see install_complete above.
install: install_exec
@echo Please unpack file ufoai-$(VERSION)-data.tar into $(DATADIR)
--- End code ---
So every time you type "make install" you run the echo to remind you..
Now after make install can you run ufoai? If not try 'make install_data'
--- Code: ---#From ./ufoai/INSTALL
4. Type `make install' to install the programs. Type
`make install_data' to install data files (including the maps).
--- End code ---
See still learning :P
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