Technical support > Linux
ufoai-2.2.1 on stock Slackware 12.2, problems when compiling from svn source
Dear all,
I have downloaded the .tar.gz version of this game and came across the following problem when running the game:
--- Code: ---gtl@predator:~/ufoai_2.2$ ufoai
./ufo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
--- End code ---
I have tried to solve the missing library problem to no avail, then I found the SVN version and, after downloading, I started compiling.
The $ ./configure, $ make and $ make lang where fast, but $ make maps took an awful long time to finish (is this normal?).
When it was over, # make install returns the following message:
--- Code: ---Please unpack file ufoai-2.2.1-data.tar into /usr/local/share/ufoai
--- End code ---
Now where's this tar file?
Thanks in advance!
Compiling maps can take some hours, yes. Before make install do a make pk3 - I'm not sure if that prevents the message but you'll have the data packs for playing.
i started over again...
$ make clean OK
$ ./configure OK
$ make OK
$ make lang OK
$ make maps OK - this time it doesn't compile maps again ;D
but, then i get this:
--- Code: ---gtl@predator:~/ufoai_2.2$ make pk3
make: *** No rule to make target `pk3'. Stop.
--- End code ---
Oh, sorry you have 2.2.x, base/ will be your command. :) (not sure about path)
First of all, thanks so much for the time ;D
I did this:
--- Code: ---$ cd base
$ ./
$ cd ..
$ su
# make install
--- End code ---
# make install still asks to unpack ufo-2.2.1-data.tar into /usr/local/share/ufoai
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