Development > Artwork


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Before I goon, I must know if you like this style for the raptor.


[attachment deleted by admin]

I think it's fine. The green areas leave no doubt that it uses alien tech, and the shape is sufficiently set apart from the other craft to render big changes in the color scheme unnecessary.


Link to the raptor :

There is also a very low poly version for the GS.


One final request, sitters. Can you resize the model (not the geoscape one) to be twice as large in every dimension? I did some comparing around in radiant, and I believe that's the perfect size for it.

Mattn took care of it.

Could you show a glimpse of what it would look like with a main base color closer to that of the Stingray?
I'm curious to see how a closer visual similarity to the Stingray would look.

Another idea I have is to do something with the vertical stabilizers. How would the model look if they're moved to the engines, or even eliminated altogether? (Design changes pending BTAxis' or Winter's Veto. ;) )

Of course if it's too much trouble (or you're away on vacation) don't worry about it. :)

Other than that, it's great work as usual!


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