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Author Topic: Map-Concept: Bristol/Bunker  (Read 8674 times)


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Map-Concept: Bristol/Bunker
« on: July 24, 2006, 10:23:16 pm »
I haven't looked yet into how maps are created, i.e. completely handmade,
randomly generated from a set of building blocks, etc., so maybe the layout
of the map from my last mission was just bad luck.

Are there some notes from the map-makers about their concept for a map ?

E.g. the Bristol/Bunker-Mission: nice map, but what were the civilians doing there ?
Beds, kitchen, eating room, but no rooms were equiped as office / library / laboratory /
comms / controlroom.
And the guard-towers were without guards/corpses / weapon-lockers etc.

So the map looked a bit unfinished...

Offline lfloden

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Plus there are dead spots...
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2006, 11:52:47 pm »
First time I played it in RC5 it was fine, maybe a couple of spots that I couldn't get too. But in 2.1 there is one huge area that is dead. On level 2 near the center of the building that entire hall and door area inside and out is dead. Plus on level 2 on the left side of the building when the map has the building to the "north" the area near the wall is dead. Also near that left tower there is a dead spot. I need to get screen shots, but I am not sure how to do that. Plus when we find a bug, do we report it hear or on sourceforge?


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Re: Plus there are dead spots...
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 12:54:54 am »
Quote from: "lfloden"
in 2.1 there is one huge area that is dead.

What do you mean with "dead area" ?

I need to get screen shots, but I am not sure how to do that.

Press F12 to make a screenshot.  The pictures will go to base/scrnshot/
For posting, you should convert them to jpg.

Plus when we find a bug, do we report it here or on sourceforge?

On, you can attach files / screenshots to your bugreports.

"[ 1562192 ] Map africa04d: diagonal walls"

Offline lfloden

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Dead areas
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2006, 07:35:00 pm »
Dead areas are the areas that it won't allow you to go (you get the blue box), that's what I call them anyway. But I will get the screen shots of it. Currently testing out RC6 to see if it has the same problem.


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Map-Concept: Bristol/Bunker
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2007, 10:37:58 pm »
I've found a 'dead area' on the dock map (the one with a lot of ships in a harbour-type area; this is v2.0 RC6). The tower to the 'north' (with a light on the top) is inaccessable to my troops.

The bridge across to it can't be stood on (no blue box even), and nothing but a blue box on the tower base and stairs so they won't automatically walk over the bridge.

However aliens are often on that island. I have to take them out by stationing people along the edge of the dock nearest to the tower and putting them on reaction fire, hoping the alien will walk into line of sight (they tend to hide round the back of the tower, behind the stairs), OR by firing grendaes at the base of the tower and hoping the splash damage gets them.