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2.3 dev version for mac question

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--- Quote from: doc.torr on November 03, 2008, 11:45:47 pm ---checking jpeglib.h usability... no
checking jpeglib.h presence... no
checking for jpeglib.h... no
configure: error: You must have the JPEG development headers

--- End quote ---

I know I'm reviving a long dead thread, but I'm currently stuck at this point in the compilation process. I'm running a PPC on 10.5, and I have xcode, gettext, and fink installed. The responses to doc.torr seemed to indicate that he needed to install gettext to fix this problem, but this error persists for me even though I do have it installed. Did I miss something in the crush of other information? Or do I need to run an update of gettext even though I downloaded it within the week?

I have very little in the way of code skills, so please couch all advice and instructions in explicit language, so I don't have to ask for repeated clarification. I'm really looking forward to getting my grubby paws on version 2.3, so please be patient with my impatience, yes?  ;D

You may need to install jpeg.

Kleiman-ibook:~ michael$ port provides /opt/local/include/jpeglib.h
/opt/local/include/jpeglib.h is provided by: jpeg
Kleiman-ibook:~ michael$ port info jpeg
jpeg @8a (graphics)
Variants:             universal

Description:          This distribution contains the eighth public release of
                      the Independent JPEG Group's free JPEG software. You are
                      welcome to redistribute this software and to use it for
                      any purpose, subject to the conditions under LEGAL ISSUES,
                      below. Serious users of this software (particularly those
                      incorporating it into larger programs) should contact IJG
                      at to be added to our electronic
                      mailing list. Mailing list members are notified of updates
                      and have a chance to participate in technical discussions,

Platforms:            darwin, freebsd, sunos
License:              unknown
Kleiman-ibook:~ michael$

So I've now made it just a little bit farther down the ./configure line, and I'm instead getting stopped here:

--- Quote ---checking for /opt/local/bin/sdl-config... no
configure: WARNING: cannot find /opt/local/bin/sdl-config might fail to find SDL!
checking for library containing IMG_LoadTyped_RW... no
configure: error: You must have the SDL_image development libraries
--- End quote ---

I've copied over the SDL frameworks, but that's it. Was there something else that was supposed to be transferred over with the SDL files? Also, when I try running the fink updates listed above, I get a message saying it is unavailable. Might this be linked to the sdl_image development libraries?

There's a number of additional SDL libraries.

If you're having trouble with this, grab the official distribution and copy ALL of the libraries and frameworks.

So I now seem to be within spitting distance of having the game properly setup. I'm on the make macinstaller step, and after installing a large number of files, I am confronted with this error:

--- Code: ------- filesystem initialization -----
Adding game dir: /usr/local/share/ufoai/base
Adding game dir: /Users/ben/Documents/UFOAI-2.4-dev/base
Adding game dir: ./base
using ./base for writing
- model 'models/aircraft/craft_arm_plate/plating.md2'
Error: R_ModForName: unknown fileid for models/aircraft/craft_arm_plate/plating.md2
make: *** [base/models/aircraft/craft_arm_plate/plating.mdx] Error 1
--- End code ---

Keybounce, I believe you had mentioned this problem yourself in the Current issues with 2.3 PPC build thread, and I assume you had found a workaround for this issue? I'm so close to playing on the new geoscape with the revamped campaign, I can hardly wait!


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