Technical support > Mac

2.3 dev version for mac question

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can you please add this to the mac wiki site, too? maybe this info helps others, too

If I have XCode installed, how much more space do I need to compile 2.3 for PPC?

Source code, object code, final package, all the libraries that need to be downloaded and compiled, etc.

Are we talking 2G, 5G, or 10G?

About two, I guess, but not more than five. (shouldn't be more IMO)


Well, I suppose I'm effectively in the same boat. I know about and can use gcc for some very basic programming, but I know nothing about make files and I know very few of the unix commands. I have fink (or so I believe, anyway), but I've never used it.

I try running line 1, and it asks me for my password. I don't even know what that is... how do I set it?

Update: I found a way around the password problem, but after running the fink command (the first line on the wiki), I get the following error message:

Failed: no package found for specification 'gtksourceview2'!

How do I get/make it able to get this package?


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