Technical support > Mac

2.3 dev version for mac question

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So I had also problems to compile this for mac, used fink and the info in the wiki was not enough. In addition to those already mentioned in the wiki, I had to add these installations:

sudo fink install glib2-dev gtk+2-dev gtkglext1 pango1-dev pango1-xft2-dev atk1 libgettext3-dev

I guess that something about this is wrong because the game hung almost immediately after start, but anyway... Hope this helps anyone.

thanks - i've updated the wiki entry

Gothgod, are you on an Intel or PPC Mac?

OS X 10.5.5?

These packages are not the Universal/intel versions via Fink? (actually, that's more a statement than a question)

Ta for help!

When running the 'make macinstaller' command it gives the following error:

msgfmt -v -o base/i18n/bg/LC_MESSAGES/ src/po/ufoai-bg.po
make: msgfmt: Command not found
make: *** [base/i18n/bg/LC_MESSAGES/] Error 127

looking around this is an error with gettext, but according to fink I do not need to install either gettext or gettext-dev.

ced-155-40:trunk Charlie$ fink install gettext
Information about 2534 packages read in 0 seconds.
No packages to install.
ced-155-40:trunk Charlie$ fink install gettext-dev
Information about 2534 packages read in 0 seconds.
No packages to install.

Never mind, I've fixed my problems via the 'fink scanpackages' command


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