Technical support > Mac

2.3 dev version for mac question

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ok thanks.  No worries.  now i was thinking maybe the issue is I didn't install the developer tools on the mac cd although I wasn't sure if maybe that was't needed if I installed fink.  Is it?  if it is then I can try that when I get home. 

Thanks again for the help.


You need to have installed the xcode tools so you get gcc.

In my setup its in /Library/Frameworks not /System/Library/Frameworks which doesn't exist for me
Also make sure you are going from the root directory and not your user base directory.


please also make sure, that these informations are going to be added to the wiki please (once you've sorted it all out)

just wondering, but is someone going to upload the MAC version? I would LOVE to play these new updates, but I cant even find them for PC, much less MAC

Hiya, like the game, wishing I'd not spend so long playing it, but.

OK, I've gotten up to the stage where I'm trying desperately to get some antimatter (Mac 2.2.1) but taking forever to disassemble all/any type of UFO.

Do I really need to have a functional workshop to do this? Why can't the workers (who all seem to be male, along with the male scientists BTW) disassemble the UFO in the UFO hangers? What happens if I don't have an antimatter storage dump in that base, but have one in another base: will the antimatter get transferred automatically to the other base's dump?

I, too, am no programmer and would like it if someone would put the mac compilation of the latest build on the site so people like me can download it without stress. :P


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