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2.3 dev version for mac question

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I did a search and all I can find if info on how to compile the dev version 2.3 for the mac, but i'm not a programmer and have never compiled anything.  Are there any better instructions out there that would help someone like me?  Or even if someone has compiled it is there a download 2.3 anywhere for an intel mac?  I can find one in the windows forum but not here in the mac forum.

anyway any help somone could provide would be great.

Thanks in advance.


I'm one of the mac developers for ufoai.
What are the problems you are having with the instructions?  which part is confusing?


ok so I installed Fink to do the compiling and honestly now sure how to do the compile. 

I was trying to work from this page just to see if I could get a compile to work.

1 fink install svn-ssl svn-client sdl sdl-ttf gettext libjpeg libpng3
2 mkdir -p ufoai/trunk
3 cd ufoai/trunk
4 svn co . (I was able to get up to this point)
5 ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/sw/include/" LDFLAGS="-L/sw/lib"
6 make
7 make macinstaller

After when I try to run the line 5 below I get "-bash: /configure: No such file or directory" and can't proceed.

I"m sure i'm just stupid or doing something wrong but I just haven't compiled something outside of making an exe in vb.  Am I even close or way off?

/configure? try ./configure
if that still doesn't work, please post a ls in ufoai/trunk at

ok so I got further.  guess I wasn't in the trunk dir.

Finally I was able to get step 5 to go but now it's saying

checking build system type... i686-apple-darwin9.5.0
checking host system type... i686-apple-darwin9.5.0
checking target system type... i686-apple-darwin9.5.0
checking system... Mac OS X
checking for sed... yes
checking for echo... yes
checking target OS... configure: error: Could not find SDL Framework at /Library/Frameworks.

Any idea by chance what this means?

Thanks again for the help.


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