This is for Destructavator and anyone else who's compiling UFORadiant from the UFOAI SVN.
I have noticed that for me, radiant is vere, very slow. Rendering is slow. Loading maps is slow. Doing anything to the map is slow. For reference, let's take the frame rate for Disable the far clip place in the preferences and move the camera in the 3D view so the entire mpa is visible. For me, each frame takes 81 msec to render. Selecting the entire map and dragging it somewhere takes several seconds.
Compare this with the old GTKRadiant which I have installed separately. has a rendering rate of about 7 msec per frame. Dragging the whole map is a lot more responsive too.
Can anyone try this and report back here? You can obtain the old GTKRadiant from here: includes the ufo:ai plugin, though the definitions are outdated.