Technical support > Linux

2.2.1 won't run in 1024x600


hello folks!

i have an EeePC 900 which seems to be pretty well up to the task of running ufoai-2.2.1 - hooray!  unfortunately, i've been having difficulty getting fullscreen mode to work with the display's native resolution (1024x600).  the command line i'm using is the following:

--- Code: ---$ +vid_width 1024 +vid_height 600 +vid_fullscreen 1
--- End code ---

ufoai launches ok, in fullscreen mode, but the game resolution is set to apparently 320x200 or some similarly tiny setting (unfortunately i don't have the logs here with me, but i think that's what it said in the console output).

should i be able to run ufoai in 1024x600?  if so, what more information can i provide to help figure out what i'm doing wrong; if not, i'd like to request that support for this resolution be added.


i guess you already tried options/video in-game.

i am not sure what determines which options you get.

afair that is not a listed option, which means you can't have it. not sure what needs to be done to enable it.

set vid_mode to -1 (in your commandline)

i've got the same problem. the proposed solution (+vid_mode -1) doesn't seem to work though: ufoai still launches into 1024x480 as defined in the options submenu.

p.s. fixed. and it was trivial (+set vid_mode, not +vid_mode!), a simple help with command line options would help instantly... this works (linux, ufoai 2.2.1):

--- Code: ---ufoai +set vid_mode -1 +set vid_width 1024 +set vid_height 600 +set vid_fullscreen 1
--- End code ---

p.p.s. to the project team and every contributor -- thanks for the great game, it's definitely one of the best free games for linux out there!

just for your links collection:
= ufoai installation guide for opensuse (ukrainian)
= two-part walk-through for basic management and the first blood (ukrainian)


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