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Author Topic: Can't capture UFO and other questions: need help  (Read 4384 times)


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Can't capture UFO and other questions: need help
« on: July 29, 2008, 07:30:03 pm »
Hi everyone and gratz on this super game. I'm a big fan of all ufo/x-com game and this one is one of the best :)

Here's the situation. I played the game til the end of the scenario once on normal difficulty (ver:2.2.1 windows, asus/amd cpu). The ufo just stopped coming and the game was over (i fast forward the game just to see what would happen). All that time, I never was able to capture a UFO (yes, i had storage room, workshop, laboratory and both ufo hangar (small and large) at my dropship home base. All tech was researched except ufo theory, propulsion and particle beam weapon ). I know you get ufo theory by capturing a ufo... .witch is my problem.

I just started a new game on hard and still can't capture a ufo, even when they look undamaged in the tactical mission. Sometime the message says that it was too damage to salvage (especially supply ship that I shot down, even if they look undamaged on the ground). Some mission are landed ufo mission, and when I complete it, I receive a message "By selling 1 collected item you gathered 7500 credit"  when my dropship comes back to base. If the UFO is too badly damage, you have a message in your inbox telling what you brought back from the mission (ex. alien material, propulsion...) as soon as you come back to the geoscape from your tactical mission. I have plenty of storage room (like 20,000) and workshop, laboratory, and a small hangar (i didn't build a large hangar for now because I read in this forum that the early ufo are considered small, and was testing if this was a factor/bug).

I read most of the forum relevent topics and it seams I'm the only one having this problem.

Can someone help me please :)

Other question: What are your setup (weapons/armor/item) on your interceptor ship for the ufo to be not damage and "capturable" or are all shot down ufo too damaged to capture??
Other question: What's the end mission (or goal) or how do you win the game (or is it just after enough time has lapse)?


Offline Mayhem

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Re: Can't capture UFO and other questions: need help
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 11:20:40 pm »
All shot down UFOs are too damaged to fly - by definition, really, if they cpuld fly they wouldn't crash.

Captuing UFOs can only be done on "Landed UFO" missions, but these are not common in 2.2. (in 2.3 they are much more frequent)

You must make sure you have a free UFO hangar (not a normal hangar).  I usually build a couple of small ones early on, and later build a larger one.  Make sure they is a lab in the same base (or a workshop, in 2.3).


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Re: Can't capture UFO and other questions: need help
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2008, 07:06:39 pm »
YE! success!

Ok, finally kept going in the game and got some landed ufo mission that I was able to retrieve... YE!
I think the problem I had was that, when a recoverable ufo mission was done, there's a few extra button at the mission success screen where you chose to take back the ufo to 1 of your base (you actually have a list of bases that can accept the ;) ) you can hit sell ufo or destroy ufo. There is also a "try again" button and a finish button (or something like that). I guess in my previous game, I didnt notice those button and just click finish without paying attention to the rest of the menu.

I finish this game shortly after the mission (contamination population in progress...or something like that) with that big ship. That was a cool mission.

Great game. Looking forward for the next update. Espacially a better "end of game" like going to kick the Aliens at their home planet or something like that ;)

I may have a couple of question like:
1. Is there something to do with alien materials, propulsion, astrogation, detection and antimater. I have tons of all of those but can't seem to use them. (maybe we should need them to build new ships because we cant replicate them or it makes the building of ship faster because the parts already exist in storage)
2. In the harvester research report, they say it has a missile launcher but when you dissemble it, it's not listed in the components that you get by dissembling the ufo.

I know the game is a work in progress and maybe those topic was discussed in previous topic, but I didn't see it.

Thanks again

Thanks again

Offline Mayhem

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Re: Can't capture UFO and other questions: need help
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 07:28:52 pm »

1. Is there something to do with alien materials, propulsion, astrogation, detection and antimater. I have tons of all of those but can't seem to use them. (maybe we should need them to build new ships because we cant replicate them or it makes the building of ship faster because the parts already exist in storage)
Thanks again

The primary purpose of possesing them is that it allows you to research them - can't carry out research without the object being researched.

The research then leads to the ability to produce better aircraft (though I don't think you can use them yet).

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Re: Can't capture UFO and other questions: need help
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2008, 01:55:54 am »
Will it be possible to actively research or buy better human equipment/aircraft lateron as well?

I'd figure that if the humans notice that aliens have better equip, they not only try to steal their tech, but also try to create something that is better.

This way we could make extra research projects as well :-)