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Author Topic: NSI (Win32) Script errors, can't package game to .EXE  (Read 3844 times)

Offline Destructavator

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NSI (Win32) Script errors, can't package game to .EXE
« on: August 14, 2008, 07:25:36 am »
I was going to upload a new installer, but can no longer package an .EXE file.  I don't know too much about NSIS scripts and programming/editing them, but here is a copy of the output with the error, SVN revision ~18371:

MakeNSIS v2.38 - Copyright 1995-2008 Contributors
See the file COPYING for license details.
Credits can be found in the Users Manual.

Processing config:
Processing plugin dlls: "E:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\*.dll"
 - AdvSplash::show
 - Banner::destroy
 - Banner::getWindow
 - Banner::show
 - BgImage::AddImage
 - BgImage::AddText
 - BgImage::Clear
 - BgImage::Destroy
 - BgImage::Redraw
 - BgImage::SetBg
 - BgImage::SetReturn
 - BgImage::Sound
 - Dialer::AttemptConnect
 - Dialer::AutodialHangup
 - Dialer::AutodialOnline
 - Dialer::AutodialUnattended
 - Dialer::GetConnectedState
 - InstallOptions::dialog
 - InstallOptions::initDialog
 - InstallOptions::show
 - LangDLL::LangDialog
 - Math::Script
 - NSISdl::download
 - NSISdl::download_quiet
 - Splash::show
 - StartMenu::Init
 - StartMenu::Select
 - StartMenu::Show
 - System::Alloc
 - System::Call
 - System::Copy
 - System::Free
 - System::Get
 - System::Int64Op
 - System::Store
 - TypeLib::GetLibVersion
 - TypeLib::Register
 - TypeLib::UnRegister
 - UserInfo::GetAccountType
 - UserInfo::GetName
 - UserInfo::GetOriginalAccountType
 - VPatch::GetFileCRC32
 - VPatch::GetFileMD5
 - VPatch::vpatchfile
 - nsDialogs::Create
 - nsDialogs::CreateControl
 - nsDialogs::CreateItem
 - nsDialogs::GetUserData
 - nsDialogs::OnBack
 - nsDialogs::OnChange
 - nsDialogs::OnClick
 - nsDialogs::OnNotify
 - nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog
 - nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog
 - nsDialogs::SetRTL
 - nsDialogs::SetUserData
 - nsDialogs::Show
 - nsExec::Exec
 - nsExec::ExecToLog
 - nsExec::ExecToStack


Changing directory to: "E:\UFOAIsvn\src\ports\windows"

Processing script file: "E:\UFOAIsvn\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi"
!define: "PRODUCT_NAME"="UFO:Alien Invasion"
!define: "PRODUCT_NAME_DEDICATED"="UFO:Alien Invasion Dedicated Server"
!define: "PRODUCT_VERSION"="2.3-dev"
!define: "PRODUCT_WEB_SITE"=""
!define: "PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY"="Software\UFOAI\ufo.exe"
!define: "PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY"="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\UFO:Alien Invasion"
SetCompressor: lzma
!include: "E:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\MUI.nsh"
!include: "E:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
NSIS Modern User Interface version 1.8 -

Offline Destructavator

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Re: NSI (Win32) Script errors, can't package game to .EXE
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 07:27:06 am »
continued (error at the bottom):

!define: "MUI_INCLUDED"=""
!define: "MUI_SYSVERSION"="1.8"
!define: "MUI_VERBOSE"="3"
!include: closed: "E:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
!include: closed: "E:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\MUI.nsh"
!include: "E:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\LogicLib.nsh"
!include: closed: "E:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\LogicLib.nsh"
ShowInstDetails: nevershow
ShowUninstDetails: nevershow
!define: "MUI_ABORTWARNING"=""
!define: "MUI_ICON"="..\..\..\build\projects\ufo.ico"
!define: "MUI_UNICON"="..\..\..\build\projects\ufo.ico"
!define: "MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY"="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\UFO:Alien Invasion"
!define: "MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP"="..\..\..\build\installer.bmp"
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: end of MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
Name: "UFO:AI 2.3-dev"
OutFile: "ufoai-2.3-dev-win32.exe"
InstallDir: "$PROGRAMFILES\UFOAI-2.3-dev"
InstallRegKey: "HKLM\Software\UFOAI\ufo.exe\"
ShowInstDetails: show
ShowUnInstDetails: show
Function: ".onInit"
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
Function: ".onInstSuccess"
MessageBox: 0: "If you want to play multiplayer games, open the TCP port 27910 in your firewall."
SectionGroup Game ->(SECGROUP01)
Section: "Game Files" ->(SEC01)
SetOverwrite: ifnewer
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR"
warning: File: "..\..\..\src\docs\tex\*.pdf" -> no files found. (E:\UFOAIsvn\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi:88)
File: "SDL.dll" [compress] 124814/320512 bytes
File: "SDL_mixer.dll" [compress] 92347/312320 bytes
File: "SDL_ttf.dll" [compress] 157693/331776 bytes
File: "iconv.dll" [compress] 469668/892928 bytes
File: "intl.dll" [compress] 16656/45056 bytes
File: "jpeg62.dll" [compress] 62034/153966 bytes
File: "libcurl-4.dll" [compress] 93365/182272 bytes
File: "libogg-0.dll" [compress] 7610/15872 bytes
File: "libpng13.dll" [compress] 80281/203264 bytes
File: "libvorbis-0.dll" [compress] 76817/157696 bytes
File: "libvorbisfile-3.dll" [compress] 13983/28672 bytes
File: "smpeg.dll" [compress] 69969/235520 bytes
File: "zlib1.dll" [compress] 30599/59904 bytes
File: "ufo.exe" [compress] 431998/1065472 bytes
File: "ufo2map.exe" [compress] 56272/172032 bytes
File: "ufo_ded.exe" [compress] 87625/267264 bytes
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\base"
File: "game.dll" [compress] 52983/155136 bytes
File: "..\..\..\base\*.pk3" -> no files found.
Usage: File [/nonfatal] [/a] ([/r] [/x filespec [...]] filespec [...] |
   /oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in script "E:\UFOAIsvn\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi" on line 93 -- aborting creation process

Offline Kildor

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Re: NSI (Win32) Script errors, can't package game to .EXE
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 07:48:16 am »
Strange, how do you compile and make packages?
there is not .pk3 files with data. Look to the make`s target (make_pk3, or something like), there was changes in its name.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: NSI (Win32) Script errors, can't package game to .EXE
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 11:18:21 am »
Destructavator, to prevent having to post twice like this, use the code macro.

Offline Destructavator

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Re: NSI (Win32) Script errors, can't package game to .EXE
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 02:23:20 pm »
Destructavator, to prevent having to post twice like this, use the code macro.

Sorry, when this forum changed over to Simple Machines from the old one, it was the first time I used such forum software, and, not being a hard-core computer "geek" like some of the others here I still don't know what all the buttons do.  I'll keep that in mind for the future though, and appreciate the tip, just found the button that does it, thanks.

Strange, how do you compile and make packages?
there is not .pk3 files with data. Look to the make`s target (make_pk3, or something like), there was changes in its name.

I'm not fully sure what you mean by this, but from what I understand the NSIS script file should generate the pk3 files and then pack everything into an EXE installer.  It worked before, with past SVN revisions.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 02:26:32 pm by Destructavator »

Offline BTAxis

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Re: NSI (Win32) Script errors, can't package game to .EXE
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2008, 02:31:34 pm »
You can just use code and /code (in []s), no need to press any buttons.

Offline Destructavator

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Re: NSI (Win32) Script errors, can't package game to .EXE
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2008, 03:56:35 pm »
(Regarding the original thread topic) Sorry, never mind, I think I got it to work now, I'll start uploading the installer shortly - I think I figured it out.