Yeah, it was left in my folder from the former SVN update.
I removed it and the game works.
I can't compile maps anymore tough.
Neither (sez doesn't exist, but it's there) or ufomap.exe (provide argument: map filename) work.
Hi Trashman, did u managed to compile the maps in the end?
Or did u encounter issues with compiling (such as they refuse to update the bsp files?).
If so, maybe try to do this painful step:
Recompilation of all maps from fresh. Be warned that it can take some well...... 1 to 2 hrs or more depending on the processors and speed ur PC has.
I am assuming u r running Win32 or in Dos mode (i.e Windows environment).
1) Goto windows explorer (Windows Command Key - the key between your Left CTRL and Left ALT, press that Key and E simultaneously once). (Or Start, Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer).
2) Browse to ur SVN directory and search for all "bsp" files (i.e. *.bsp).
3) You will get a return on bsp files from within various directories inside - /svn directory/base/maps
4) Delete all the bsp files.
5) Call your command prompt (Start, Run, (or Windows Command Key + R once)), key in "cmd"
6) Browse to your SVN directory (Cd C:\SVN Directory Name here\contrib\scripts)
7) Run the file : Compile_maps.bat (compile_maps <Carriage Return or the Enter Key>)
Wait for the script to finish.... yawns, make coffee, watch an anime or 2, come back and u r done when it says complete.