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Author Topic: Newbie problems, ideas, error  (Read 4179 times)

Offline Paranoik

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Newbie problems, ideas, error
« on: August 03, 2008, 10:34:45 am »
Hi, after two days of playing last version (2.2.1), I'm quite pissed. I like this game, but it's practically unplayable and I did end after half of year gametime. Few of problems i was encountered.

- Aircraft can manually start without team member.
- Dismissing crew cause no position release in living quarters.
- Workers are shown always ready.
- When I haven't enough cash to complete item in workshop, item creation is jammed.
- Renaming soldier while assigning squad into ship does not cause rename in list (this problem is in more places).
- Bad counting injured soldiers, hospital says e.g. 8, but 7 icons displayed.
- Transfer of an quipped craft causes lose of all quipped items.
- Transferred aircrafts is sometimes shown beyond ocean west of Africa, not moving, after selection says something like (i can't remember and have no pic or save) "being transported".
- One time, i lose Aircraft during transport. Hangars in both bases were free.
- Missing transport list (what, where, ETA).
- Price for selling UFO is too high. after two missions, I can build bases all over the Earth and fill them with everything I need.
- Missing damage bar for aircrafts. I can send them home, while it's damaged, but now, it's random about who'll win. Sometimes I get four crafts down, after reload I destroy UFO without taking damage.
- Why there is limit 10M credits?
- Can't set autosell check for some items. I think only unresearched ones, but why I can't autosell what I don't know what is that, when I can sell it manually?
- I can't get UFO home. When build up UFO hangar, everytime i get message 'UFO was too damaged' even in mission with shooted UFO displayed without damage :/. Without this, I think I can't advance. Game should advise, what I can make better to not damage ship too much. After completing mission with landed UFO (scout), I haven't any new research options too.
- Research displays some projects grey, e.g. Particle Beam Weapon. When I want to start project, notice says that I need to research technologies it's based on first, but, I haven't any more to do that. There I think I need enemy ship, but research can says that to me (pre and post projects based on this), or don't display it at all. Alien breathing Apparatus was not displayed until the one autopsy is completed, Alien Materials I haven't displayed too.
- Alien Materials and Bloodspider weapon has zero price. And I think, that's quite absurd, i will complete research on bloodspider knife and next second, there are 96 of them for sale to me.
- Missing high speed arrows for buy/sell/transfer. In buy/sell, I can set multiplier factor and works mousewheel, but still I have over 10K Alien materials and I will die if I will sell them manually :). Transporting grenades, munition and everything is clicking orgy. I think, there can be some instant multiplier like ctrl+LMB 10 times, alt+LMB 100 times, shift+LMB 1000 times. Or display textbox (with slider), where I can say, how many I need to buy/sell/transport.
- Missing aircraft production button in production. Why I must reach that through aircraft menu?
- Missing possibility to rename aircrafts.
- Missing set of primary class of soldiers, or showing 'best use'. E.g. I'm searching for good sniper and I must display many soldiers stats until I find The One. I'm solve this with renaming soldiers and adding a flag (E(xplosives), S(niper), H(eavy), C(lose) or P(ilot - loser on every field)).
- Missing pilot class (increasing accuracy).
- Missing option to cancel mission without losing battle. Evacuate alive soldiers into transport and leave without penalty. Now, all soldiers are lost, aircraft (without pilot) will return to base and mission disappear. (After losing a battle, I did wait some time on globe, after about minute (about day in gametime), mission result of last battle was displayed and then error occurs.)
- There are some mission where aliens repeatedly kills 0 civilians on terror missions.
- Missing important message about "insufficient equipment to autoequip squad".
- Missing tutorial for hospital. How many medics I need, it's better to have one to whole class, or one medic for one soldier, or as many as possible?
- I didn't rule IR goggles.
- Missing selling alien corpses.
- Missing links to ufopedia through RMB in buy/sell.
- Missing cancel move in tactical mission (e.g. RMB).
- Missing destroyable environment. I don't say everything by anything, but wooden fence alive after hit with rocket launcher. :/
- Missing fire. I expect e.g. setting wooden fence burning for few rounds, creating firewall with flamethrower, etc.
- Grenade launcher sometimes shows green trajectory, while says beyond range. I can't understand, why I can't shoot on longer distance (with no accuracy), if green line ends in air. With other weapons it's possible
- Grenades outside of map will disappear. I get alien in corner of map and always miss for millimeters.
- What represents range of weapons? I think range in meters 10 times, but why?

Over all of that, i love this game and I will return to play next release. I think many of these problems will be, or already are fixed, but maybe this can help.

Offline DanielOR

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Re: Newbie problems, ideas, error
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 06:45:36 pm »

If you want anyone to listen, I would phrase things differently.  "хладнокровнее, Маня, вы не на работе!" (Бабель)  Most people here are of the opinion that the game, as is, is not only playable but is better than practiacally any X-COM clone out there.

The game is free and is still under developemnt.  A lot of the things you listed are valid, yet many have been already addressed.  A short read through the forum, for example, would have informed you that the environment is completely indistructible due to the properties of the engine.  And there is currently a lively discussion on exactly how to circomvent that.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Newbie problems, ideas, error
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 06:52:38 pm »
Except I locked that thread. There are some fundamental problems that mean environments are, and will remain indestructible.

Offline Paranoik

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Re: Newbie problems, ideas, error
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 07:50:36 am »
I hope someone will try to understand me. This isn't only game I ever played, there are hundreds of them every year and this game is like uncutted diamond among nice pieces of glass. It will be perfect and valuable, but it needs hard work and much time. I spend more time with this game than most of an others, and I really can't read every whole forum for every game I write about. I found many problems which means for me, this game is quite unplayable.

Because game is marked as 2.2.1, in first time i hoped is completed and now only additional content is added in every new version. Still in development applications is standard to mark with leading zero. From that it's evident that program is uncompleted alpha. By the way of course. :)

After that couple of hours of playing I'm full of feelings and I did write my notes here. Because of that, I marked them as newbie and note probability that problems was introducted in other threads. I wrote about 50 items and it's quite impossible to search and check their status one by one. Developers (or people responsible for forwarding important bugs/ideas to them) can really simply check what's there already, or what is stupidity, only by eye.

But, after next few hours, my mind think there can be something what I didn't see before and I spend half of a day with reading different post about game (not only here). Btw my post isn't only about indestructible environment (btw which I understood isn't impossible to create), so simply ignore this mark. I never play unstable versions (in this case 2.3 release), so I wrote this thread for check problems listed by other players on one place with hope it can be fixed until new stable release. And also I think this forum is too fragmented, posting every single bug in every single thread and with very misleading title is very chaotic. I think, it can be simply fixed with creation public todo list, where will be written items planned to fix in next versions. This can be part of changelog.

(first sentence of this post) Or if you not, excuse me for shitting your forum. :/

After all, sorry for my English.

Offline DanielOR

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Re: Newbie problems, ideas, error
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 05:18:33 pm »
I like the poetic prose.   :)  Hope the devs do too.


some things you list are not bugs, but properties of the game - like UFO appearance on battlefield not related to state of damage.  I think you just have to wait until one just lands and you get it whole.  Same goes for civilians not killed during terror missions - aliens get to the killing once you land, and if you wipe them out fast enough, no civilians die.

A lot of bug you list are valid, yet most have been mentioned already elsewhere.  I'll leave the rest to our esteemed devs.

Offline Paranoik

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Re: Newbie problems, ideas, error
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 06:08:52 pm »
I didn't mean everything like a bugs, 'missing' means only my humble "lust(?)". I want to say, game will be better with destructible terrain, but i will play it without this functionality too. :)

And with terror missions, i don't get if you understood to me. I mentioned this mark, because on globe was mission available and for every few days I get message about 'nobody killed'. So then I needn't to complete this mission ... or am I penalized (in that country) for every message about terror on no-one? :) I think better will be if in each case dies 1 human at minimum.


Offline DanielOR

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Re: Newbie problems, ideas, error
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2008, 06:25:17 pm »
well, if you wait long enough, you do get a message that aliens killed a few humans, though it does take a while. I imagine, flat out ignoring terror missions will damage the happiness rating significantly.

but if you show up within a day or two of the attack, your soldiers, humans, and aliens spawn in designated places and the fun begins there and then.