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Some ideas for an already great game!

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If I'm not wrong, something similar is already implemented for movement?

Ah, yeah, I agree with moving long distances over multiple turns.

But shouldnt the action of moving making the target more difficult to hit?
Adding a flag, or counter as we say in board gaming, would make that possible. The value of the modifiers should be subject to debate and balancing.


--- Quote from: Sophisanmus on July 15, 2008, 01:23:33 am ---Hmm, there is some minor virtue in Ridiculan's "borrowing" idea, though not with respect to shooting.  If certain commands, such as reloading or moving an inventory item could be partially completed one turn, and then finished with TUs from the next turn when that next turn starts, players could have a little more freedom in terms of TU expenditure without altering the RF system to any extent.  Of course, this would only be an option when the action taken would completely deplete the actor's current TU (no "I'm going to save 15 TU for RF, but also spend 5 to start reloading and finish with 5 off the top next turn" crap).

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Yes this is what i mean.
A soldier is not going to wait until the next turn starts. To make the game more seamless, starting an action such as first aid, or reload, as the last action that turn, and then continue through the next.
Balance is there already: When the new round start he will have less TU than usual.
No TU is magically added using this system. Getting rid of the "calculator-gaming".

--- Quote from: TroubleMaker on July 15, 2008, 09:45:37 am ---If I'm not wrong, something similar is already implemented for movement?

--- End quote ---

This is great news.

The kink that would need ironing out with the medikit would be dealing with the player attempting to move the wounded soldier out of range after assigning the medic to heal.  Either the injured would need to be locked down until the next turn, or the healing aborted; I prefer the latter.  Whether or not to refund the medic's TUs is up to you: doing so would be nice for the player, but refusing to would also be an acceptable consequence of the player's lack of forethought.

The other application I can see for fore-spending TU would be inventory functions, such as bringing a weapon, or grenade, to hand for the next turn.  This may well be a necessity, in fact, since reloading generally involves such an inventory change anyways.


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