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Latest real-world weaponry

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--- Quote from: BTAxis on March 24, 2009, 09:28:01 am ---The values in the proposal are by no means "intended". They're only there for the sake of explanation.

--- End quote ---

Ahh, okay. If/when you get to final implementation I'd still say that visibility differences should only translate to about 15 or so TUs, otherwise you end up hunting ghosts, which isn't much fun.

--- Quote from: BTAxis on March 24, 2009, 09:28:01 am ---I was thinking of something like that too, except I'd just make it binary. You stay still -> you get a bonus. You move -> you don't.

--- End quote ---

Would it be possible to reasonably easily code moving/firing less than 1/2 TUs? Here's the logic. Double reactive fire is described as the cost of a soldier moving slowly and carefully, so if someone uses less than 1/2 their TUs (excluding provision for reactive fire) then they're moving slowly and carefully. It means you're not discouraging any movement, just encouraging players to move slowly and carefully. It means more fun because people aren't just hitting "end turn" every round to keep their soldiers hidden, but it keeps the pace of the game tense.

--- Quote from: BTAxis on March 24, 2009, 09:28:01 am ---Actually, I was planning to abstract from this. A sniper would be able to fire at an enemy that was technically out of its sight range as long as it was in range of the weapon and there was a clear shot. If not, indirect fire weapons would be put at an advantage, since they can be fired at a location that's "blind" to the soldier, but not to the player.

--- End quote ---

Yay! There'll be a reason for my sneaky spotter scouts again!

Sorry about all the math in the last post, I thought that was a firm proposal and when I saw it I immediately converted it into TUs and went, "Nooooo!" ;).

P.S. Off topic: *ahem* I'm probably a moron, but where do I download the latest development build? I'm running Windows XP, and most of the development mirrors are labelled stuff like Ubuntu and Debian.

Mind you, part of the reason I want this whole system in the first place IS so you can get shot by enemies you can't see (yet). It happened in X-COM a lot, and it added to the scary atmosphere. Especially at night (disregarding mechanical aid for a moment), I don't think you should be able to see aliens only a few steps after they see you. After all, it's not as if aliens will always take pot shots at you all the time. Add to this alien aggressiveness: in a future AI they should actively engage the player, as opposed to hiding all the time. It won't be hunting ghosts. The ghosts will be hunting you.

You can get the latest development version through SVN, though there are people who post snapshot installers in the Windows forum. These are quickly outdated, though.

That sound hellishly scary!! ... but also incredibly cool. I like the idea of having the aliens hunting you, I hate having to play hunt the last alien who is hiding in the furthest, darkest, least accessible square of the map ... and then shoots you when you finally find him because you've split your team across the entire map and have been a little less cautious because the entire exercise is sooooo boring.

Thanks for the tip on finding the build. I'll install now.

P.S. I realise I'm waaaay off topic here. Sorry.

Right, this discussion didn't really belong in this thread. Carry on.

Captain Bipto:
What sort of weapon extensions are planned for the game? Under barrel shotguns and grenade launchers? Scopes? I did not see anything regarding extensions in the wiki cept for the gui comment.

EDIT: @ BTAxis this is not my game, but separating the different vision goggles does not make sense from anything but your rationale that you do not want items doing too many (or in this case everything) things. I respectfully disagree. You are already going to have the goggles incur a penalty to accuracy IIRC, walls the aliens hide behind are not destructable and it costs TU to switch between modes (though not to use IIRC). The penalties for using the gear will probably stop people from equipping their entire squad with goggles, per the UFOpaedia it is recommended only half the team uses it to begin with AND snipers can't use them anyhow. instead of passive use, I would make using the goggles take some sort of TU to representing fiddling with them to get a better picture.

I suggest either:
1.) obsolete these goggles during the course of the story through upgraded alien countermeasures, or
2.) do not make them 100% reliable.

I think the first option is better.


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