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Applying patches from the tracker?

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I don't think you understand the whole trunk, tags, branches subversion thing. please read the wiki.

the patches are contributions to the game by folk who do not have write access to the repository. or changes that devs just want to store somewhere for a while.

to play the current development version you need a trunk checkout. then compile it. if a specific part of the wiki is confusing or broken, name it, and I will endeavour to fix it.

to compile, there are programs needed. The link to getting gettext does nothing (Though this is really something that should be braught up with those guys, as it is in their site), and, yes, the wiki is kind of confusing. It mentions some things, like fink, but does nothing to tell you what it is should you decide that you want to try using it. The SVN download links do nothing, aswell (When you click the green button saying "Download", it says you should first read the release notes, but does nothing)

No, I dont understand the whole trunk, tags, branches subversion thing. All I wanted to do was try some submitted patches.

Oh, and on the beta site, there arent any MAC installers. I understand that it will take some time to port them into MAC, as Windows/Linux is probably the native OS, but having a MAC installer for the beta game will go a ways to getting rid of bugs for the MAC when it goes out of beta


--- Quote from: vedrit on June 07, 2008, 08:40:50 am ---Oh, and on the beta site, there arent any MAC installers. I understand that it will take some time to port them into MAC, as Windows/Linux is probably the native OS, but having a MAC installer for the beta game will go a ways to getting rid of bugs for the MAC when it goes out of beta

--- End quote ---

True - but the installers are created by me - and i don't own a mac

ah. Problem. If I knew what the crap I was doing, I would volunteer to help, but as Im more of a "Make this model look fricken kick ass without using allot of poly's!" kinda guy, im kinda useless with porting

worry about gettext later (to do with translation).

trunk: current development version
tags: (mostly) frozen releases

patches are updates for source files (eg *.c, *.map). they are text. They will only work against the correct source files. most of the patches were made against trunk. so you will not be able to use the patches unless you have a trunk checkout.

get svn client from here
the windows binary certainly works for me.

then follow the instructions here

the syntax listed under linux for a trunk checkout
svn co
works under windows, so i expect it will work for mac.

as for compiling, i use code::blocks. you will have to get help from a mac user. there are some around now.

if you want to model, then a trunk checkout is still a good place to start.


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