After a lot of resarch i foud out that the ati-driver and compiz are fighting for superiority over
drawing on the screen.
Here a little shell-script that disables during the execution of the specified programm:
name the script (in my case rwc "run withour compiz"), place it in /usr/local/bin, do "chmod 755 <scriptname>
on it.
and run the programm you like with:
<scriptname> <application>.
in my case:
rwc /home/<me>/ufoai/ufo
Hope this helps someone with the same problem.
2nd solution would be to shut down compiz compleatly, but i like my desktop-effects ^^
# Shell script to run programs that have problems with Compiz Fusion.
# This script will temporarily disable Desktop Effects,
# and re-enable it after the program closes.
# Check for arguments
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "No command-line specified."
exit 1
if [ -z $DISPLAY ]; then
echo "Display not defined."
exit 1
# Disable CF.
DISPLAY=$DISPLAY metacity --replace &
# This should be enough time
sleep 3
# Notify the user.
notify-send --expire-time=5000 --icon=gtk-info "Desktop Effects" \
"Desktop Effects has been disabled temporarily due to an incompatible \
application. This will be restored after the program is closed."
# Run the program
# Re-enable CF
DISPLAY=$DISPLAY compiz --replace &