General > Discussion

Should pilots exist in the game

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Under "equpment"?

Installing the pilot will be complete in 2 hours!

Actually, yeah, I think pilots should be handled as a special kind of equipment.


Well then i hope they don't take 2 hours to install.

Thats a long cigarette break even for a pilot! ;)


"The plane is till on the ground? You there, what's wrong with this pilot?"
"Faulty software sir!"
"Can't you jury rig some hardware solution?"
"Uuu...I could Sir..But it would involve a baseball bat and risks further software damage."


--- Quote from: stevenjackson on June 03, 2008, 08:32:05 am ---Another issue is how to assign the pilot to the aircraft.
The easiest way seems to be to reuse the "assign soldier" functionality, but this seems overly cumbersome since we will be only assigning one pilot per aircraft.

So what do people think, whats the best way to assign the pilots?
I'm not very good at the UI stuff in c.  So if someone is able to design such functionality i can make it work in the code.


--- End quote ---

I would recommend the following:

A screen featuring a graphical list of pilots with their stats, and a separate list of aircraft. The aircraft entries would have a box showing which pilots are currently assigned to that aircraft (if any). If no pilot is assigned, the box should simply be black.

I don't know how to put that together in the UI, but it seems the most logical and functional design.



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