What's the size, format and color depth for those research images?
Oh, and as far as the weapon ideas go, I got "just" 3:
1. Coligun sniper - a.k.a. Obliderator
Railguns are efficient for assualt rifles (Bolter), but the constant strain the EM forces put on the rails causes them to vibrate and eventually pull apart, wearing them down and requireing regular replacements.
Coligun uses several ring shaped accelerators. While it requires more fine electronis and more capacitors (each ring has it's own), thus making it more power hungry, the EM force is distributed evenly, so no vibrations or deformations of the ring occur. As a result, the colgun is more accurate and capable of achieving greater muzzle velocity, but it's re-fire rate is slower.
2. Gattling assult hybrid - a.k.a. Vindicator
The bastard child of a minigun and assault rifle. Uses either caseless ammo or is energy-based. Lightweight and expensive as hell, but enables obscene ammounts of firepower.
the 3 rotating barrels can be locked in single-fire mode, or can rotate freeley to achive a full speed gattling burst.

3. High-powered pistol of DOOM
Desert Eagle 99, Automag X, whatever you want to call it - this is the epitome of conventional sidearm deadliness. A huge gun with a huge catridge and a even bigger punch. When you positively, absolutely, definately wan your opposition deader than dead...or when you jsut want to show off!
something like this, alltough a bit more high-techy:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4e/AMT_Automag_V.jpeg[attachment deleted by admin]