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Author Topic: Problems with base attack  (Read 2722 times)


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Problems with base attack
« on: July 01, 2008, 09:45:03 am »
I found some strange things when aliens attacked one of my bases.

1. It was a base when I didn' have any soldiers. So I thought I bring soldiers there from another base, but clicking on the Enter button when reported base attack, my soldeir from the other base were teleported to the mission.

2. During the mission I cound't use keyboard (x, v, numbers, arrows). It was the only mission I experienced that.

3. I stunned 2 aliens there. At the end of the mission I was told that transporting things from this base to my base where my soldiers were (and where my alien containment facility were) started. I suppose this meant the transporting of the 2 aliens, but I'm not sure. But the aliens haven't arrived even if I was told that transportation finished.

4. At the end of the mission my soldiers were at their homebase just as 1 minute before.


Offline DanielOR

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Re: Problems with base attack
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 07:39:43 pm »
Ha.  Teleportation rules!