Technical support > Feature Requests

Buy/Sell Equipment: alternate colors

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--- Quote from: "Bandobras" ---With errors, BTW. :( The multiple ammo breaks things
--- End quote ---

Feature, no bug - as written in issue 1529225:
"modified version of menu_buy.ufo with lines of alternating colors (i.e. fixed color scheme)"

Perhaps there is a way to check the itemtype (weapon/armor/other)
from inside a .ufo-script, but I have not seen it yet...

Alternating colors? OK. That's helpful as it is...

Alternating colors? OK. That's helpful as it is...

And I'm sure there is a way to check...

Alternating colors? OK. That's helpful as it is...

And I'm sure there is a way to check... At worst some simple coding is needed...


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