Technical support > Mac

Trouble with configure and jpeg_CreateDecompress

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I think the only known way is to use MacPorts instead of fink. With MacPorts you need to install the libraries with the +universal variant (which works now for all the dependencies.) The configure script is also set up to automatically recognize MacPorts libraries in /opt/local. The principle I was working on is that up until a month ago no one else seemed to want to compile on Mac, so I wanted it set up such that all I need to do is type ./configure in order to prepare a release. I think eventually I'd go nuts if I had to type ./configure CFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include -arch i386 -arch ppc" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib -arch i386 -arch ppc" every time I had to run configure. ;D


I'm glad someone else who is more knows more than me about mac builds is around.

I'm a developer by profession but mostly on linux and windows.  I'm a complete newbie to mac development and builds.
Which is probably why i had problems with the configure.

But i'm slowly learning, i might try and install mac ports and see if i can do the universal build.



oh, didn't see this post. Might explain a few things I've been seeing (intel mac)


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