Technical support > Mac

Trouble with configure and jpeg_CreateDecompress

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Hi Guys

I've been fine compiling trunk with no problems since i found this project.

But yesterday when i tried compiling it told me i needed to rerun configure, which is fine.

But when i reran configure i now get this message i didn't get before "configure: error: You must have libjpeg!!!"

It seems to be something to do with jpeg_CreateDecompress but i cant figure out what.  Just looking for some pointers on some things i could do to resolve the issue.

I'm using osx leopard and i have tried both  compiling from source the jpeg libraries (along with gettext) and also tried it with fink.  Both recognise the headers but not this jpeg_CreateDecompress issue.



Posted too soon, i figured it out.

Just in case any other mac users have the same problem.  The reason it wasn't working was that universal binary was enabled by default and both the fink and source compiled versions of libjpeg weren't compatible with universal architecture.

I changed the configure script so  that it is disabled by default and it worked!
Might post that configure change as  a patch as perhaps other people will have the same issue.

This post might be better in the mac forum as it turned out to be a mac specific issue.  I'm not sure how to move it there.


I moved it.

The easy way is not to change the configure script but to just run ./configure --disable-universal. It might make sense to change the default option if it is a really big hassle for people.


i've added a patch to patch tracker to make it disabled by default.  As its likely to catch new people out, unless i have just missed the boat completely in figuring out how to load the libjpeg for universal binaries.

As a side note, how do you get the libraries to work for universal compile?



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