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Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 2871 times)


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« on: May 18, 2008, 11:09:48 am »
I have played all of the original UFO series when I was a kid, and this free game really impressed me. As with all things in development I can see area's where things need to improve somewhat, but so many threads here cover this I am not going to add any more.
What I would like to add, are some simple things that would make the experience easier on the user to make an enjoyable game even easier to play and thus more fun.

1. When on the global screen, the zooming scroll wheel (to zoom in and out) should 'focus' on the cursor current location. So if I am looking at the globe, and I decide on my left the middle of Africa would be a fantastic place for a base I move the cursor over the area, scroll in and it zooms and centers on the location I want... handy hey...
2. During a mission you can not save the game, the reasons I accept and think are good ones. What I would like to see, as some relief to this is an 'Auto Save'. Before a mission, after one, on exit, and at the end of every year slot one could be used to create an auto save.
3. When you are in a mission and you hit "exit" there is no 'are you sure your current game will be lost if you leave now' message to warn you. A few times I mistakenly hit exit as in exit this menu and it leaves my unsaved game... would be nice...
4. Selection of a unit when another unit is moving. If you tell your sniper to move in to position, and the guy with the SMG to follow and cover one must finish before the next can move. Would it be possible to move units in this way?
5. A key like F12 that you can press to quickly display all of the quick keys. Something to reference too until you get used to all the functions.

Good job, keep up the awesome work!

Offline ponkan

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 01:16:12 am »
2. During a mission you can not save the game, the reasons I accept and think are good ones. What I would like to see, as some relief to this is an 'Auto Save'. Before a mission, after one, on exit, and at the end of every year slot one could be used to create an auto save.

The game actually does automatically quicksave just before you start a mission.
The rest, I imagine that someone familiar with the code can make a patch, reusing the code that saves before a mission.