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Dual Wielding Pistols?
I don't see how using 2 pistols with alot of accuracy loss will be better than using any other rifle or pistol in a normal fashion, unless you come up with some very powerful close range pistols. I wouldn't waste a soldier wearing 2 pistols just for the cool factor. He'll probably get killed while being cool.
But, I would suggest making dualwielding kerrblades or other melee weapons viable.
--- Quote ---Then that's nothing more than a balancing error and the weapons in question need to be reworked to make the rifle appreciably superior to dual pistols.
--- End quote ---
The rifle would be superior anyways at medium/long ranges with existing stats, assuming a realistic degredation of accuracy with respect to dual wielded laser pistols. Dual pistols would have only a situational close range application.
Twin pistols being more effective that a rifle, even at close range, is counter to logic.
If that were the case, then instead of the pistol the production shops would be creating weapons that were 2 laser-pistol focusing arrays in the same case, even if the resulting weapon were of similar size to the SMG. All the power of 2 pistols, without any loss of accuracy. It could even be lighter than the pistols, as it may only need a single power pack (albeit one that would be drained twice as fast)
Well to be completely honest, the damage values of the laser weapons are admittedly silly, given that they do more damage than plasma weaponry contrary to design intentions (and what reality might suggest).
Anyways, there might be technical issues and limitations which prevent the synergy of dual focusing arrays in that manner. Not being accomplished in laser physics, I won't pretend to know what those are, but it is a possibility.
Juni Ori:
I have been thinking when would it be in place to wield two pistols? Only answer I have come up with is two entrances to the room you are in, which you can both see and thus react faster to suppress your enemy. In general cqb-style barrel aim does not help much when you have two pistols to aim into same general direction. First shots may go close to the target, but after that it's lottery. Considering that barrel aim reduces the accurate fire distance, plus possible other factors making it more difficult, I'd say it would be very difficult to hit an target over ten meters away. Again: first shots.
I'd rather see that depending on the strenght of the soldier he could aim single handedly heavier weapon (such as rifle or shotgun - try it, it is possible), while doing something else with other hand. Reloading, taking a grenade, using something... Strenght/weight issue would of course affect the accuracy. And again: first shot. Second would be impossible to aim effectively. So, put simply, imo something in other hand should reduce accuracy of the first shot and exponentially after that. Though MP5 can be fired in bursts when supporting it only to your shoulder and the fire is still relatively accurate. Though nothing compared to when other hand is supporting.
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