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Dual Wielding Pistols?

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Dual-wielding RL's - now that is badass!

It would be a fun gameplay concept, but because later in the game you need a tank to scratch an alien, this becomes pretty useless.

Tbh I don't like the fact that the aliens are so hard to kill having so much armor and resilience. OK, it's ok to have one or two types of very strong and resilient aliens, like the lobsterman in TFTD :D, but otherwise it's frustrating to waste a full magazine of ammo to kill any alien.

That's why sidearms and pistols become so useless even after the 1st missions.

Dual wielded laser pistols works. Totally feasible due to the lack of recoil. Your aim obviously wouldn't be as good as if you were using a single pistol, but the degredation wouldn't be such that you couldn't plausibly hit anything.

And, on the same track, double wielding laser rifles or heavy lasers would still suffer more diminished accuracy due to the weight of swinging two large weapons around.  On that idea, perhaps there needs to be some accuracy modifier for all weapons, single- or dual-wielded, based on weight versus the user's strength, with a modifier for each weapon based on recoil?  Offhand, I'm also thinking something along the lines of 150% increase to that value for dual-wielding a 2-hand secondary, and a 200% increase for 2-hand primaries.

Would have to be careful about what can be dual-wielded with what; I would assume an assault rifle and machine gun would be sufficiently compatible that a soldier could fire full auto on both simultaneously, but I don't think you could fire a ball shot from a Heavy Plasma with any other fire mode from any other plasma weapons, even if the other HP's modes worked.  Also, a 3-round burst from an Assault Rifle probably wouldn't work with a 3-round burst from a Plasma Rifle due to the projectile speed differences and such...

I am starting to get a feeling that we are getting WAY to sophisticated for a feature that will be used very infrequently.  Aside from Terminator, very few humans should have a need to fire assault rifles one-handed.  As an oddity, I might *once* load a freakishly strong soldier with a MG in each hand, just to watch him stroll down the field.  Maybe rename him "Arnie". 

Oh, and reloading while holding two assault weapons - that ought to be a hoot.  Same goes for selecting fire modes.  Seriously, is all this worh it?


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