Technical support > Linux

Ufo:AI 2.2.1 and 2.3-dev Debs for Debian/Ubuntu

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--- Quote from: Destructavator on December 02, 2008, 04:16:58 am ---That the same problem DuKe2112 had.

I'm guessing the problem is on my end, that I didn't do something right trying to package it.


Then again, when I started making packages for Win32, at first I screwed up on those as well until I got it right.

--- End quote ---

Destructavator, in order to get working debs, you need to edit the src/shared/shared.h file and change this:

--- Code: ---#define BASEDIRNAME "base"
--- End code ---

 to this:

--- Code: ---#define BASEDIRNAME ""
--- End code ---

Then, you need to run ./configure with the following arguments:

--- Code: ---./configure --libdir=/usr/lib/games --bindir=/usr/lib/games/ufoai --datadir=/usr/share/games --docdir=/usr/share/doc/ufoai-data
--- End code ---

Once you have made these changes, you will be able to make debbinary and make debdata and everything should work perfectly. Also, to fix the version of the deb add an entry to debian/changelog like this (taken from my debs, but sub your own svn version for 20746 and your own distro name for jaunty):

--- Code: ---ufoai (2.3~~svn20746) jaunty; urgency=low
--- End code ---

@Spyro: Thanks!  I'll try this this weekend...

Make that almost perfectly. Instead of editing shared.h (breaks maps compiles, due to missing textures, not a very clean change apparently), change the following files in debian directory (overwrite their contents with whatever you see here):


--- Code: ---base/         /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base
--- End code ---


--- Code: ---base/0media.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
base/0materials.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
base/0models.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
base/0pics.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
base/0snd.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
base/i18n/* /usr/share/games/ufoai/base/i18n
src/docs/tex/ufo-manual_EN.pdf /usr/share/doc/ufoai-data/
--- End code ---


--- Code: ---base/music/*.ogg /usr/share/games/ufoai/base/music
--- End code ---


--- Code: ---radiant/* /usr/share/games/ufoai/base/radiant/
debian/radiant /usr/games/
--- End code ---


--- Code: ---base/0base.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
base/0maps.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
base/0ufos.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
--- End code ---

This works *much* better.

Ok, I finally got working packages.

Spyro, you missed two files: /trunk/debian/ufo und ./ufoded. They are missing the /base folder in the path variables as well.

I tried some places to upload, but somehow couldn't keep the connection long enough to finish.
Now it's too late here...

i can make the BASEDIRNAME configurable for you guys. then we can add it to the debian build scripts - but can you tell me why this is needed?


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