Technical support > Linux

Ufo:AI 2.2.1 and 2.3-dev Debs for Debian/Ubuntu

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so does that mean there's a fix?

I've got several things going on at once in my life, including multiple things I'm working on here in this forum, but I'll try to make the time soon to try again with packaging a 64-bit deb.

In the meantime, not to turn anyone off, but, grabbing and updating an SVN copy and compiling it isn't too hard, and it is certainly easier to do it on Debian Linux than on Windows.  Before making that last package I compiled from SVN and ran it on my computer on the Kubuntu Intrepid drive, there were no difficulties after following the instructions on the wiki.

the only thing stopping me from using SVN to do my own compile is the fact that my 'nix box is at home (on the 2k/s dialup) and my fast internet is at work....

makes it easy to grab a couple big files and take them home to chew on... but when it comes to grabbing full directory structures it gets a bit daunting.

Well, compiling isn't difficult, that's right, but I've read somewhere that compiling ufoai can easily take 12 hours even on a good cpu, On mine it could probably take a full day and I simply don't have the oportunity to let it running that long.

Compiling ufo:ai is about one and a half minute for me (or less). Compiling maps could take time but you can use the ones from the dev package or compile them with less detail.



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