Technical support > Linux

Ufo:AI 2.2.1 and 2.3-dev Debs for Debian/Ubuntu

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could someone update the debian/* files to include radiant, too?

./configure --enable-gtkradiant

i upload some new nighly-builds (svn19883) for etch, lenny and hardy

please report any problems with these packages

i try to create the nighly-builds weekly and i should provide some patches for debian/* , i hope i have time for this

Satanic Mechanic:
Downloaded the 2.3 build you uploaded today, sadly, no love.

Running Ubuntu Hardy, previous 2.2.1 install was running fine.

--snip-- stuff --snip--

Let me know if there's any other information you could use.
I'm pretty damn clueless in linux still (got a lot of windows laziness left to unlearn still) but if you talk slowly and avoid big words, I should be able to follow instructions to get you in other information you might need :)

Never mind, I hadn't properly reconfigured my x server from an unrelated fault earlier in the day, loaded up and running now, I told you I was clueless :P

A few problems playing a couple of maps in skirmish mode on the latest ubuntu builds:

One alien seems to start in mid air over the river. It can't be shot at because the river bank seems to act like a solid wall.

None of the stairs work in any of the buildings.
Also, you can't enter the bathrooms in the two identical buildings.


--- Quote from: Niggle on October 30, 2008, 12:53:07 pm ---Bridge
One alien seems to start in mid air over the river. It can't be shot at because the river bank seems to act like a solid wall.

--- End quote ---

Maybe this is related to the actorclip brush. I noticed (and reported) that they are unshootable.


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