Technical support > Linux

problems in the installation

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If u like to  compile everything from scratch try using svn.
There is a very good tutorial here:

But  you need at least 4-6 h to compile the maps =)

hope i could help.

 Tutorial is very good, but I can't find nowhere all commands to build and install ufoai from svn.
 Here they are:
make -j4
make -j4 lang
make -j4 maps (~4-6 hours)

make -j4 install_complete
NOTE that last one is very hard to find...

if you svn up, you should find that map compilation just got much faster, particularly if you have a multicore machine. Thanks to mattn and wilminator.

Atleast I now have a better (Linux) use for those 4 cores...

"Tutorial is very good, but I can't find nowhere all commands to build and install ufoai from svn."

BTW i recommend you to write a script that aids you in compiling. My database has 2400 packages listed
with about 10000 binaries in total and i just issue i.e. "compile python" and the latest python gets compiled.
I am using Linux too but I am using an AppDir like approach similar to GoboLinux, the FHS is a huge error in
my eyes. It works quite ok for me, and is very clean in my opinion, much cleaner than the FHS.


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