Technical support > Mac

Update 2.2.1

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I downloaded the new universal 2.2.1 version and it does not run.  The app never opens.  Anyone else experiencing this problem?

@SnowJack:  are you using intel or ppc ? what OS release ? pls be more specific, you may click (Apple Logo) --> About this Mac,
click the grey text under Mac OS X until it shows version and then pls give us version and processor ?

I don`t know if the Problem described in "PPC help needed" is already fixed in the universal binary, so you might also have stumbled
into the "our ppc-build did not work yet" problem.

please be so kind to give more information and have some patience - the problem is beeing worked on (in our spare time)

Thanks for the effort tchristney!

App opened successfully on my 1.25 Ghz G4 ATI 8500. OSX 10.5.2
I only went so far as to place the first base. I'm looking forward to the bug hunt this evening.

Sorry I forgot to post what I am using. 
2Ghz Intel Core Duo
OS 10.4.11

Do you need any more info?

The patience you don't have to worry about.  I understand how long it can take to figure out and correct one small bug in a program. 
I am just glad there is a Mac version of this game.

Same here. When clicking on the UFOAI icon, the icon bounces in dock and then shuts down. No error message.
OSX 10.4.11 on MBP 2.16 GHz Core Duo.

Thanks for your help


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