Technical support > Mac

Update 2.2.1

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OK, try the libraries and programs from my updated download above. Copy the libraries into and the programs into and let me know if they work.

great!!!!!!! works!!!!!!

now I start to test all!!!!

thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!

Great!  ;D

Once I hear back from a PPC user I'll get a new package out to Mattn.

seems to work fine on the ppc, had no problems starting and running for 15 minutes, will give it a longer try later the local evening (CET+2)

thanks !

That's great news! The update is in the works. I'll have to update the wiki because if you are on 10.5 and want to create universal binaries usable on 10.4 using MacPorts, 1.60 does not work. You need to download the trunk version from the MacPorts svn that has a configuration option that allows you to do this.


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