Technical support > Mac

Update 2.2.1

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Is the release just for the PC version, or does it not matter which Operating System (PC, Mac, or Linux) you use ???

we no mac coders/packagers at the moment, sorry.

any volunteers?

maybe there is hope;topicseen

The mac compile takes bloody forever.  Maybe this afternoon I'll have the Intel version.

I don't have a PPC mac to test a PPC version, so it will be intel-only at first.

Doctor J:
Hmm.  In my experience compiling code and lang took very little time.  Its the maps that take forever, but you don't really need to do them every time [or at all, once the 2.2.1 data pack is out].

The 2.2.1 map pack is actually available for download in the usual page where you can download source and binaries. The problem is in the 2.3 dev version, since they use all-new maps and they've not been pre-compiled yet (as far as I know). So just head over the the main download page, and when they give you a choice between linux, windows, and source, look for the map pack.


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