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Could someone help me please :)
Hi i'm a N00b - been playing AI for about 1 week.
I have version 2.2 on windows and there are a couple of bugs / questions i have.
#1 - i read all these posts and the moderators keep berating all the n00bs for asking questions that are answered in a mysterious document.... what are we supposed to be reading :)?
#2 - i also read that 2.2 has a bug where you're interceptors die with one hit (same with alien craft) - what patch can i download to fix this bug?
#3 - i seem to lose any equipment that a soldier who dies on a mission is carrying... is this a bug or gameplay?
#4 - how can you work out how far your production of items has progressed and when they are nearly finished etc?
Thanks for you help,
Mr T.
#2 there's no patch, you should wait for 2.2.1 to be released.
#3 This is because items your soldier loose are collected at the end of the battle, and automatically sold (autosell is probably activated). I think you can deactivate autosell to avoid that.
#4 due to some bugs, we disabled the base summary menu in 2.2 (and in 2.2.1). AFAIK, you can't see your production progress in those revision.
1. I'm thinking it's, go to wiki, read manual.
2. Yeah, nothing can be done
3. haven't had that happen, like kracken said, disable autosell?
4. I guess you have to keep an eye on how many IG hours it has been :(
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