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Author Topic: Second modeling attempt  (Read 4134 times)


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Second modeling attempt
« on: June 27, 2008, 11:34:35 pm »
[Note to those who may have seen this as a reply to my weapon thread: I have moved this to its own thread and replaced the weapon thread reply with a new version of the weapon, go figure.]

2.5 dead computers, multiple attempts, and a lot of real-life-crap-I-don't-want-to-talk-about later, I have a body to show.  The head's drafted on paper, and will probably change a bit once I get it down.  I probably mentioned this before, but the creature is 6-limbed: four legs and two arms.  This model has little bionic stuff added, just some thick skin, and spinal/atmospheric grafts on back.  I have a bit of a write-up in my head (I guess it isn't technically a write-up, then...) and I can throw some bullet-points here:

This alien has two different-sized arms.  One is overdeveloped with three digits, used for gripping and throwing large, heavy things.  The other arm, with four digits, is weaker but better suited for manipulating machinery, such as weapons.  The alien is very thick-skinned and appears to often have armor grafted onto/into its hide to further protect it.  Awareness is moderate to high, intelligence is low, aggression is extreme.  Its primary weapon is grafted into its body, with ammunition pods mounted on the alien's back.  Environmental and life-support systems supplies are also fed from external pods on its back, which must be replaced with assistance from its handlers, much like its primary weapon.  This appears intentional, to limit the lifespan and damage potential of one of these creatures should it go berserk and attack its masters.

906 tris, no head yet.  File attached for closer inspection.  I'm definitely going to have to re-design the weapon.  This is my first attempt at this sort of thing, please let me know if I'm doing it wrong.

GPL; credit requested, if used. 

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« Last Edit: June 27, 2008, 11:37:46 pm by Sophisanmus »


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Re: Second modeling attempt
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 04:12:06 am »
Sorry for the double post, but I have some more work to submit for consideration.

I finished a head for the thing after three goes at it.  First one was too... Taman, second was too serpentine, but by the third one I knew I wanted a flatter face.  I might need to make the jaw sides a little smoother, if you think it will look too sharp, but as is I'm pleased with how it turned out.  The colors and such are there as guides, since I have no idea how to go about skinning... yet.  The red marks the eyes, black marks the nose and ears, the silver things on the back are the feeding tanks and atmosphere-regulator/shock-collar (grafted into the spine, no less).  Darker areas on the body represent the thicker hide areas, which may also have armor grafted onto them.  The yellow bit is more or less where the center-body weapon goes.  Attached is also an uncolored copy of the head, for inspection.  The body is the same as the first post, plus markup.

Comment/criticism please.

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Re: Second modeling attempt
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2008, 10:04:27 am »
It looks quite unbalanced, especially as it has no extra muscles in the torso or shoulder to support the huge left arm compared to the tiny right arm. The back in general looks strange.

The human eye expects to see some kind of tail on quadrupeds, although it helps the alien-ness for there not to be one.

That's all I got right now.



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Re: Second modeling attempt
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2008, 11:14:51 pm »
Front / Side / Top / Back

I tried to address the muscular idea, though I think I may have seen too much of this thing the last couple days to really tell the difference.  I adjusted the spinal graft and took the pods off the back, instead going for more pronounced shoulderblades.  I also slimmed the back legs of the creature 20%, they seemed a little too fat to me.  File included again for if a better look is needed.

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