Technical support > Mac

some bugs...


first of all - the german language file is not really complete (something you sure know) but since changeing the resolution doesnt affect the fontsize this happens

in this level, some of the aliens fell into a hole in the ground...
even my soldiers fell too.

and i think i started this research. and then stopped it to finish another one... now i cant finisch that researche...   i played to year 2085 (on very easy) in a few days and the game was finished...  does this mean i cant research this technologies till now... and i have to wait for 2.3 or is it a bug?

I recently encountered the same bug with an alien disappearing on that map, too.

He'd go around the corner to hide from me (right around where you had the cursor pointed) and then I'd chase him there to kill him, but lo and behold, no alien.  Did a thorough search of the whole map, but no alien.

Maybe it's a remnant of the actor falling through the floor bug?


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