ADD: Crappy quotes! Hope you can read without them.
ADD2: Not the qutes, its Cyrillic fonts.
I found this forum lacking such a thread :-)
I see there's a number od Russian-speaking people on the forums, so a thread on Russian translation would be handy anyway.
The fist thing I stumbled upon reading msgids is one for Bolter rifle. Russian translation sounds like
(a word that I cannot write here) which means "Needle-thrower". That sounded pretty good to me, since I know no good Russian equivalent for bolt or bolter, and Bolter rifle shoots needle-like projectiles. But the proposed alien Needler weapon would probably have the same translation. So I suggest to simply transliterate Bolter rifle into (ah, no Cyrillics, so translit then) "Boltyernoye ruzhjyo", "Boltyernaya vintovka" or simply "Boltyer". This names were
used in Warhammer 40k translations, so this are not complete neologisms.