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got 5 deb packages from, but when I try to install them with GDebi package installer I recive an error:

"The package file does not exist
A nonexistent file has been selected for installation. Please select an existing .deb package file."

I also downloaded "" file from, but running it as root gives me "Command not found" error.

Please advise,
thx very much

make sure that you've installed the data package before you try to install the binary package

I can't do that, data package is the one with an error :)

ufoai-data_2.2-0~getdeb1_all           - error
ufoai-data-music_2.2-0~getdeb1_all- error
ufoai-server_2.2-0~getdeb1_i386     - error
ufoai-tools_2.2-0~getdeb1_i386       - error
ufoai_2.2-0~getdeb1_i386               - the "install package" option is not enabled since data package is not installed

With this .run file remember you need to be in the same directory as the file, i.e. do: "cd <directory name>", till "ls" shows you do file.

You may also need to make it exectutable: "chmod u+x".

Another thing is the case sensitivity of *nixes, it does matter wheter you use capital letters or not.

Last but not least, you run things in the current directory by preceding the name with "./" on most distributions, so: "./".


--- Quote from: dhamilton on March 08, 2008, 06:42:34 pm ---I can't do that, data package is the one with an error
--- End quote ---

and what is the error?


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