Here's exactly what i did: on the 2.2 Mac binary, i transferred a Dropship, its squad, and all their gear to another base. I was not quite done loading the gear onto the transport [was down to pistols] when i got an error message that the storage in the new base was now full. Assuming that the interface had stopped before crossing the threshold of 100% full, i clicked "Transfer". The transport took off. When it arrived at the new base, there was a strange message like "Base Oceania has no Antimatter Storage, 64 units of antimatter destroyed". I hadn't even gotten to where i could research antimatter, and i definitely didn't have any. It got even curiouser when i tried to outfit the squad. I had shipped, for example, 1 Machine Gun and 5 MG magazines. The new base received 69 MGs and 1 magazine. Not only did the quantities change, but my storage held a lot of things that i couldn't use: Miniguns, Nanotube Armor, etc. I hadn't yet researched any of these things. What was worse, storage was now 40% over full, and i couldn't do anything until i sold off the excess. I have included two savefiles: Slot4 is just after the transport plane takes off, Slot5 is just after arrival in Base Oceania.
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