That simplifies things quite a bit. On to the next issue.
The al.h in the current version of OpenAL defines ALC_APIENTRY and AL_APIENTRY. In src/client/qal.h the symbols used are ALCAPIENTRY and ALAPIENTRY.
There is a check to make sure that ALCAPIENTRY is defined:
but nothing for ALAPIENTRY.
The symbol difference seems to be due to OpenAL adding in the underscore to make their namespace a bit cleaner. Looking at the al.h header, the only platform that has a non-null definition for either of those two symbols is Win32, so just adding something similar to ALCAPIENTRY would be fine, until the Win32 version of OpenAL changes.
One other OpenAL issue: ALUT is not included in the OpenAL framework that is included with the MacOSX operating system. Once I figure out the best way to install that, I'll add it to the wiki.