Technical support > Mac

Actor losing positiion and no ships

<< < (2/2)

UFO Theory is not implemented in 2.2. You have to research UFO scout before researching UFO fighter.


--- Quote from: roger.books on March 04, 2008, 03:19:21 am ---For some reason at times the game loses the position of a squaddie and thinks he is one off of where he should be.  I'll keep watching and see if I can determine what causes this.  It's annoying to have a squaddie walk into a wall and then get  stuck.
--- End quote ---

I am planning to tackle this bug (#1870214) next, as it is quite a killer for me :( I seem to hit it once or twice every mission, usually when walking over squeaking wooden floors.

Any more info on this, please let me know :)




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