Technical support > Mac

Actor losing positiion and no ships

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I'm running the Jan 15 Mac OSX debug build.

For some reason at times the game loses the position of a squaddie and thinks he is one off of where he should be.  I'll keep watching and see if I can determine what causes this.  It's annoying to have a squaddie walk into a wall and then get  stuck.

I don't know if my second issue is a bug.  I've done two of the capture landed ship missions and nothing ever came of them.  The only reason that I can see is my base that had the large and small alien hangers was not the base the capturing troops call home.

That said, this is great.  It's better than the old XComm in almost every way.  The only thing I miss is the atmosphere of "They are mutilating cattle, stealing people, making crop circles, etc etc."  I think the movement is much better in this game, no more click on a level 2 square and have your squaddie move to level 1.  The confirm move is a wonderful idea.  I like the new tech.  The music is fantastic.  My fianc


--- Quote from: roger.books on March 04, 2008, 03:19:21 am ---I don't know if my second issue is a bug.  I've done two of the capture landed ship missions and nothing ever came of them.  The only reason that I can see is my base that had the large and small alien hangers was not the base the capturing troops call home.

--- End quote ---
Could you give us more information please ? At the end of the battle, did you have the buttons in the bottom of the mission summary to store, sell or destroy the UFO ?

* If yes, When you clicked on the Store Button, you should have seen a list of all bases that could take care of the UFO (e.g. bases where you have the correct UFO hangar)
* If no, that means that there were no UFO to recover in this mission (note that for some mission you can see a UFO on the map, but there is still no UFO to recover -- only the mission summary can tell you if there is a UFO or not in this mission. This is work under progress ;) )

I did not see those particular options, I might have missed it.  I've started a new game so when I reach that point I'll watch and let you know.


Doctor J:

--- Quote from: kracken on March 04, 2008, 08:38:55 am ---Could you give us more information please ? At the end of the battle, did you have the buttons in the bottom of the mission summary to store, sell or destroy the UFO ?
--- End quote ---

Hmm.  I think i might have briefly seen this screen and just hit return.  Which option is the default?

Quick update:

I missed the scout, just did not see it.

I captured the fighter.  When it arrived at my base I was offered alien fighter research but I can't research it because I am missing a pre-req.  According to the tech trees I should have been offered UFO Theory.   It doesn't show up.



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