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Author Topic: bug report: a ghost from the last battle in my units display screen? you tell me  (Read 2003 times)


  • Guest
so like here i am..  im called to go fight at a dam and i had lost half of my crew in a previous battle. i go into the level with the dam and i was selecting different guys and i noticed somethin.... one guy was showin up as a female from the last battle that died! how is that? i was using the alternate skin.


if you look closely youll see that is not a girl right there. thats definently a guy. and he isnt wearing urban camo. i think it had something to do with that guy in paticular though because when id select a guy before him then select him he would look like the guy before him. the girl showed up when i selected a grenade from the inventory.

« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 04:14:13 pm by Salvakiya »