Technical support > Mac

Bug ? Base Number Limitation and unable to select Aircraft when clicking UFO ?

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one more thing - medpacks go down to zero shots, but cannot be reloaded and do not get used up like e.g. a grenade.
just guess - you have 4 medpacks in your team, one injury. you try 3 which do not work... because after previous missions
they neither got reloaded nor replaced....  :o

Doctor J:

--- Quote from: ripclaw on March 03, 2008, 01:04:23 am ---one more thing - medpacks go down to zero shots, but cannot be reloaded and do not get used up like e.g. a grenade.
just guess - you have 4 medpacks in your team, one injury. you try 3 which do not work... because after previous missions they neither got reloaded nor replaced....  :o

--- End quote ---

?!?  I don't see this on the provided OSX binary - my 'Corpsman' characters have been carrying two Medikits each, as i was worried about the kits running out.  They never have, however, so i was just thinking about going down to just one.  What version are you using?

i am using version 2.2 for mac osx on a 10.4.11 osx
i had this reproduceably twice already.

Doctor J:
Well, i started looking through the source code, and i don't yet see a use count or anything like that associated with medikits, nor with 'heal'.  First time, though, so perhaps i missed something.   :-\  Perhaps some of our expert coders can comment here?

@Ripclaw: Can you tell us what the exact error mesage was?  Also, it would be interesting if you saw the same thing when you start a new game.

hi doc,

this problem does not seem to happen on unsaved games.
as far as to how it happens:
i use a character with 2 medkits already used on a mission before,
have more than 20 time units, stand beside the team-mate in question,
take the medkit into the off-hand and get "0 Reloads" and the "heal" action/shot is grey.
i can still throw the medpack at someone for 20 time units though,...
just an idea, if saving after using a medpack and before the firebird returned to base (something i do quite often) -
does it save the "reloads" ? or may this be a problem with kneeling vs. standing, both hands free vs. keeping primary arm ?
but then it should not say "zero shots" left... - i feel a bit ponderous...

btw, there is no error message, but i already managed to make ufoai "core" once when i click on a non-human occupied field with
a medipack. but i did not get it to reproduce, so this one could have been something else. i don`t know my way through your
sources yet, but if someone can tell me where to start looking, i can take a look myself, too.. as long as it is something c-ish, shell
or ADA.


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