Technical support > Mac

Bug ? Base Number Limitation and unable to select Aircraft when clicking UFO ?

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Hi there,

I am using V2.2 on Mac OS X 10.4.11 (dual PowerPC G4, Dual Screen)

I think I have discovered 2 Problems:

1.) after building 8 Bases - even in easy - it is impossible to build another one. it is also impossible to demolish one or to demolish buildings.
2.) after you build more than 13 aircraft, the following happens when you click on an arriving ufo: you can only select from the first 13 craft from the bases in the timing order that you built the bases. If you have more than 13 Firebirds, you can only select the first 13 for a mission site, in order of building bases. (there is no scroll bar or such, nor can you deactivate e.g. Firebirds for hunting the UFOs ...)

Things I noted and would find great if it`ld be solveable:
3.) It seems the game only supports a single screen in fullscreen mode, if I select a higher resolution in single window,
I can still use both 17 inch screens... beeing able to run cinerama/xinerama like multi-head displays would make life much easier,
as the little screen space is already taken up by controls.
4.) comparing with the original x-com / ufo game, I am still missing (very badly) the night flare or something like a maglite.
at night everything is black, the only way you can see somthing is by darkening the entire room and turning up gamma to the max.
some kind of in game light source (hand-held maglite, throwable single source light with fixed radius, under barrel light,
grenade-para-flare etc.) would be highly appreciated.

kind regards,

5.) it seems still possible to buy more craft than you have hangars. I have 5 craft in phalanx HQ (2 stiletto, 2 saracen, 1 firebird) and only one large and one small hangar. this is also true for the other bases. also from time to time craft simply disappear (e.g. a base with 3 hangars and one craft is suddenly empty for no reason after loading a savegame).
6.) i get the occasional red globe replacing an alien in-game. it was there, suddenly it turns into a red globe. happened to me on the small warehouse with parking space map and the map with the winding bridge leading up to a level 3.

with regards to the number of bases, i must note that I use some bases mostly as radar+missile defence, 8 bases is too few to scan all of earth.


--- Quote from: ripclaw on February 27, 2008, 11:09:23 pm ---1.) after building 8 Bases - even in easy - it is impossible to build another one. it is also impossible to demolish one or to demolish buildings.
2.) after you build more than 13 aircraft, the following happens when you click on an arriving ufo: you can only select from the first 13 craft from the bases in the timing order that you built the bases. If you have more than 13 Firebirds, you can only select the first 13 for a mission site, in order of building bases. (there is no scroll bar or such, nor can you deactivate e.g. Firebirds for hunting the UFOs ...)
4.) comparing with the original x-com / ufo game, I am still missing (very badly) the night flare or something like a maglite.

--- End quote ---

* The 8 base limit is intentional, though obviously the ability to demolish would be better

* scroll your mouse wheel over the list of aircraft, so see more.  Yeah, i know, it's not obvious... I've filed a feature request on that one

* flares are in the works.


--- Quote from: ripclaw on February 27, 2008, 11:35:48 pm ---5.) it seems still possible to buy more craft than you have hangars. I have 5 craft in phalanx HQ (2 stiletto, 2 saracen, 1 firebird) and only one large and one small hangar. this is also true for the other bases. also from time to time craft simply disappear (e.g. a base with 3 hangars and one craft is suddenly empty for no reason after loading a savegame).

--- End quote ---
This is a known bug that is fixed in trunk (but will not be fixed in 2.2.1)

a what ? scrollwheel ?  hmmm... i have a mac - until i installed ufoai i never needed a second mouse button :)

how about a second type of base: missile+radar only ?
because some times i just dont hav any ufo at all in one sector for a month..... :(
(and the rest of the world is plagued three ways to the moon and back - and you cant even shoot them)


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