Let me guess, "rocket" is your texture file? If not how is your texture file named?
Well this is what I know so far. When I export I'm given 4 options: "Scale Factor"(slider), "MD2 file to save:" (save dialog), "Frame List file to load" (save dialog), and "Texture Path:" (Text Input).
I've noticed that anything I type into the "texture path" input ends up in front of the "//rocket" when the game tries to call on the texture. I even added just ".jpg" once to try it out, and when I looked at the console the game was trying to call on "jpg//rocket."
The texture file in this case is rocket.jpg. I saw on wiki that the game assumes that the texture file has the same name as the .md2 file. I also copied the texture and renamed it "rpg_ammo.jpg" when I changed the "rpg_ammo.md2".
I should have written this down. I did this late last night, and I'm having trouble remembering exactly what it was. I want to say that I simply left no path in the "texture path" input on exporting. I'll try to retrace my steps when I get home tonight to figure that one out. My mistake.
No texture or broken model (wrongly connected triangles)?
Almost positive the triangles are all connected properly. The exporter should have given an error if the UVs were correct, or if the mesh itself had a problem. I saw someone else uses Blender to UV map and export their files. I think I'm going to try to track them down later today.
Either mail or Sourceforge, but the latter is easier...
I feel like the most useless person at the moment. I'm even managing to have trouble getting an account with Sourceforge. It's been going on for a few days now. Every time I request an authorization email the page just refreshes and no email is sent.
It's starting to look like it would just be a smoother process for everyone if I just posted the source (in this case .blend file and texture) or an .obj file and let whoever wanted to use it convert it to their preferred format. The modelling and texturing is what I really enjoy doing here, so if it gets to the point where I can't figure this out, I may just resort to uploading source files and getting more useful work done.