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Author Topic: BUG in 2.2 - corrupted movement paths  (Read 2101 times)


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BUG in 2.2 - corrupted movement paths
« on: February 23, 2008, 06:31:23 pm »
I know it was already known that sometimes soldiers appear to be off-track when ordered to go to a place on the map.
They "miss" the target by one spot, and from that moment onwards they always move in that distorted way.
In stable 2.2 I experienced it much more than in beta 2.2, and sometimes the soldiers get absolutely stuck into structures, and are lost for the mission.

Is it a problem with the new textures or some other issue ?


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Re: BUG in 2.2 - corrupted movement paths
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 06:46:58 pm »
This is bug #1886270 on SF. I will be taking a look at this in the next few days. My plan is to fix some of the more critical 2.2.x bugs and make a 2.2.1 happen.

If you know of another crippling 2.2.x bug like this one, post it up on SF please -- make sure you select "2.2" as the bug's Group.




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Re: BUG in 2.2 - corrupted movement paths
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 06:59:31 pm »
I will...
I like the game very much. Least I can do is help you all out in the only way I can....
Stumbling on any bug I can find... and I'm good at it.
Damn good....
