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Author Topic: Feature Suggestion: Ordering Civilians  (Read 3011 times)

Offline Silveressa

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Feature Suggestion: Ordering Civilians
« on: February 21, 2008, 07:34:09 am »
After reading another post about how the civilians should have some screaming dialogue it occurred to me it'd be nice if you could give limited orders to civilians provided your soldier was within LOS or x # of spaces from them.

The available orders would be:

"Stay put" - The civvy stops moving and crouches down

"Get to cover" -The civvy moves towards a position that will keep out of line of sight from any aliens.

"Head for the drop ship." -The civvy moves in the most direct path towards the drop ship then stays near it.

This would add to the tactics on maps and make the civvies feel more like people and less like zombies. (Currently they seem to either stand still while being shot at or just move aimlessly about until blown away)


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Re: Feature Suggestion: Ordering Civilians
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 06:21:20 pm »
To me, it would suffice to have them stop running towards the alien when they have to choose between the critters and my soldiers...
It is at least frustrating, seeing them walking happilty to their death when you're trying your best to save them, and they can see you clearly !!!

They should, I guess, recognize the soldiers and run towards them, and at least run AWAY from manifested aliens.
The above suggestion is cool, though, and I like it...

Offline Doctor J

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Re: Feature Suggestion: Ordering Civilians
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 10:28:32 pm »
They should, I guess, recognize the soldiers and run towards them, and at least run AWAY from manifested aliens.

I generally agree that the sheep shouldn't wander in the way of the wolves.  Maybe they just lack the experience to track where the fire is coming from.  Actually, i had it happen a few times where the the civvies DO go towards a soldier.  The net result is that the soldier is hemmed in.  In one case, i had a soldier surrounded on four sides and was unable to move for the remainder of the mission.  So i would like to be able to order them to move somewhere [the dropship sounds nice].  Failing that, we need to be able to push them out of the way a la "Fallout".  Currently you have to accept an unusable soldier or shoot a civilian to escape being boxed in.


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Re: Feature Suggestion: Ordering Civilians
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2008, 04:08:47 am »
awsome idea ;D